Can Friendship Change The World?
Four women become unliekly friends through the pwer of prayer and community. With feet to the fire in their commitment to each other, Brooklyn, Hannie, Kathryn, and Wren determine to live free, vulnerable, and unashamed lives with each other and with the world. whetehr it’s surviving a persios blow out at the doctor’s office, suffering a diastrous day of homeshccooling, or watching one of their kids pee off the igh dive at a public pool, these friends hold fast! Chronic pain, illness, addiction, and the pain of infedelity are some of the life-fires they must navigate, but ‘The Mamas” walk through them together. They walk through them together – in Christ.
Hilarious and heartbreaking,t his book isn’t just for mothers, and it not just for Christian. It’s for all women desiring closer friendhsips and a deepr, more honest life. Come joing th adventure, and welbome to The Mamas!
We love all moms and all moms at heart. The Mamas will give you hope for a more honest life with your friends.
(Hurray! Our men are telling us it’s a great bathroom book, and that it’s helping them better understand the women in their lives.)
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