Compassion & Support

For Homeschooling Moms & Their Teenagers

 Fiction• Family •Faith

Life-giving, Character-driven, Christian Fiction that Teaches as it Entertains.

Let our characters point the way! Their redemption stories will inspire integrity, courage, and faithfulness. A read-aloud for teens that will resonate with parents too.

Books to Inspire You & Your Teen to Love God & to Love One Another.

Do you ever feel as if you’re your teenager’s enemy? Our books are written to help you draw closer to each other and to Jesus. (Friends, Parents, and Siblings)

Support & Community to Help You Grow in Your Relationships, Your Prayer Life, and Your Awareness of Spiritual Warfare.

Our workbooks are written with relationships in mind. They’re designed to help build unity. You and your teenager can become allies instead of adversaries!

Our First Children’s Book!

Watercolor Illustrations by Andreja Karba from Slovenia. Adorable music education pages. Click the Cover to purchase on AMZ.


Why Granberry Books?

Granberry Books was born out of need. As homeschoolers, we were looking for entertaining read-alouds, that would help us stay connected to our teenagers. As our kids got older, read-alouds became the last stand for intentional time together, and we needed books that would help us remain close. We wanted books that shared the hope of the Gospel while entertaining and delighting our kids. We wanted character-driven fiction that would showcase God’s grace in redeeming the worst of sinners and in so doing, give our teenagers hope. We wanted books that would help our kids start seeing us parents as fellow soldiers on the battlefield of faith. We wanted books that would help them move toward us as friends instead of away from us as adversaries. We wanted to help teenagers realize their value as a sibling. Granberry Books was born out of the fires of parenting through the teen years. We want to help!

Kindle version of The Mamas

We also wanted a book just for homeschool moms because we know how lonely your job can be. We wrote The Mamas to spread the message that we’re better together! Even though we’d burned and been burned a time or two in friendship, we wanted to show that with a Kingdom mind-set, busy homeschool moms can build faithful friendships that will last. Our books are about learning to trust friendship again, tightening the bonds of family, and growing your faith.

One last thing, and it’s kind of a big deal. Granberry Books is a pro-life, pro-parent, freedom loving company. Because of their policies, we wanted to remove our books as far from AMZ as possible. What we found out is that AMZ is a lot like Hotel California. ‘You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.’ While our home library is stocked and you can purchase on this site, our books are still available on AMZ. One day, all will be set right, but for now we must be in the world and not of it. Thanks for supporting our ideal!

Hotel California – The Eagles


Our Books & Workbooks


Liar- Based on Everyone’s True Story

“Ugly. Stupid. Worthless. Weak.”

This is a book like no other. (It was written to be a homeschool read-aloud!) Teach your teenager to battle the enemy of his soul and of your relationship!

A young prince embarks on a quest to rescue a kingdom doomed.

The kingdom of Struggle is being lied to by an unseen enemy: LIAR. Lurking in the sinister forest, Liar attacks the minds of the villagers by whispering subtle thoughts into their ears. “Ugly. Idiot. Weak. Worthless. Impossible to love.”  At night, his poisonous serpent vines advance against a people ignorant of his crimes. Liar has been warring against Struggle without opposition and his greatest harvest is truth.

Poor, orphaned, and alone, the unlikey-named Prince sparks a rebellion. A beautiful, mysterious woman is dying from Liar’s wounds, but Prince is determined to rescue her. His brother is also marked for death, so Prince must save him too. Fear sends out tentacles of mistrust, and Prince’s hope is crushed beneath Liar’s curse, “Everyone you love dies  in the end.”

For Prince to rescue a kingdom held captive by Liar, he must trust the King and the mysterious woman to help him. Praying for courage he does not possess, Prince embarks on the quest and risks his very life…for love.


A Companion Study

Dive deep with your teenager! This workbook will help parents and teens draw closer as soldiers in Christ and as friends. Questions that follow the chapters will help you rise up to the battle going on in your mind. Key Scripture memory verses as well as other verses throughout will help you wield the Sword of the Spirit. Art and journaling prompts are provided. Depending on your state’s requirements, utilizing all prompts could meet your Bible, literature, art, and writing requirements for the time it takes to go through the workbook. Studying the Middle Ages or King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? Liar and its Study Guide provide wide-ranging support to your homeschool curriculum It’s best used as a one-on-one study for parents and teens, but it’s also fruitful for book clubs, small groups, Bible studies, and youth group settings.

Best For…

•Teens Struggling in Their Faith & With Their Own Heart
•Teens Struggling to Love Their Siblings
•Teens and Parents Struggling in Their Relationships
•Anyone Hearing the Liar’s Voice in Their Minds
•Small Group, Book Club, Parent/ Teen, Youth Group


The Mamas- Motherhood Not Required 

Can Friendship Change The World?

Four women become unlikely friends through the power of prayer and community. With feet to the fire in their commitment to each other, Brooklyn, Hannie, Kathryn, and Wren determine to live free, vulnerable, and unashamed lives with each other and with the world. Whether it’s surviving a period blowout at the doctor’s office, suffering a disastrous day of homeschooling, or watching one of their kids pee off the high dive at a public pool, these friends hold fast! Chronic pain, illness, addiction, and the anguish of infidelity are some of the life fires they must navigate, but ‘The Mamas’ walk through them together. They walk through them together – in Christ.

Hilarious and heartbreaking, this book isn’t just for mothers, and it’s not just for Christians. It’s for all women desiring closer friendships and a deeper, more honest life. Come join the adventure, and welcome to The Mamas!

(Hurray! Our men tell us it’s a great bathroom book, and that it’s helping them better understand the women in their lives.) 


The Mamas-
A Companion Study for You and Your Friends

Welcome to the companions study for The Mamas (Motherhood is NOT required.) The Mamas is a collection of short stories to inspire deeper friendships. It’s a call to a higher way to live: first in Christ (always in Christ), and second, with each other. In a culture that so easily cancels, let’s be women who love each other no matter what. Link arms, grit your teeth, lean in, and start changing the world one friendship at a time!

Real-life Mamas have prepared this companion study to help you get started, and we’ll be your guide as you explore each chapter of the book. Gather your friends and find your way back to laughter! Find your way back to connection and joy. Leave isolation behind you and recover a life rich in friendship.

The mamas want you to know you’re not alone. We’re struggling too, and we hope this study will help. Far from the usual, our Companion Study is so casual, you’ll feel like you’re having coffee with us. (This workbook is our pride and joy.) We’re cheering for all you mamas and you mamas at heart. We want to help!

Best For…

•Women Struggling in Their Faith
•Women Who Have Been Burned by Friends
•Women Longing For Close and Authentic Friendships
•Women Who Feel Alone
•Women Who Want to Grow
•Book Clubs, Bible Studies, and Small Groups

Book Reviews

Liar - Based on Everyone's True Story

From our readers…
“Be a kingly man, my darling!  Be a kingly man,
and do so for love!”

Endorsed by Dr. John Townsend

We all know the experience of living with fear, anxiety, and feeling lost in our relationships with others – including God. God has not left us alone in this, but has provided answers within Himself, the Bible and in trusted others who will navigate the journey of healing and growth with us. This book, using powerful symbols, points the way to hope.

– John Townsend, Ph.D. New York Times bestselling co-author, of Boundaries. Leadership expert and psychologist. Founder, The Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling

Everyone needs this book

I finished Liar, and I am in love. The whole journey of the book brought out different emotions and thoughts within me. No matter who you are this book will be an essential tool to become who you were created to be. During this time in our world, we all need this book more than ever. Bernadette is truly a gift.

-Rachael, Amazon Review

5 out of 5 Stars - Best book I've read in years

Great Book

So captivating and well written, couldn’t put it down.

– Cory Smith, Amazon Review

Powerful Read

Powerful read. The drama of the liar’s ploy is so vividly portrayed, you cannot deny its reality. With equal clarity, the author expertly portrays the truthfulness of redemption across the canvas of life! Quotes from the book are being used in trauma and grief classes to change lives!

– JLL, Amazon Review

I want it to be a movie

This book. I want it to be a movie!

– Staci, Good Reads Review


We read Liar in our book club. The discussion time was probably the best we have had for any of the books we have read. This book seemed to touch everyone in a unique way. I highly recommend it for book clubs or small study groups. It would also be EXCELLENT for teens as they struggle with their identity/self-worth.

-HUS, Amazon Review

5 Stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Gripping and hard to put down! There is something for everyone here and I can’t think of anyone that wouldn’t find themselves in the pages somewhere. For me, it was like a great counselor that asked a lot of hard questions and made me rethink some of my own lies. It’s a funny thing that lies, when exposed, tend to lose much of their power. This book has real “healing” potential for anyone looking to live life more free.

– Brookie, Amazon Review

Literally the best Christian book I've read in my entire life

“This is literally the best Christian book I’ve read in my entire life. Karen Kingsbury doesn’t even compare to this book. This book has filled me with so much hope and love towards God that it’s unbelievable. It really has given me more faith.
– H. Sorenson, Teen

Daring, Powerful, Life-Altering

I don’t have adequate vocabulary words from my long life to describe the power and intricacies of this work of art. I’m absolutely amazed at this story’s depth, imagery and ability to grab my mind and heart. I’m not sure many people will be able to grasp or absorb this message, but I hope they at least try. This is a masterpiece, in my limited scope of intelligence and literary expertise. Bernadette Botz is to be commended for this undertaking and then at another level, succeeding in hitting it so precisely!! I’m absolutely amazed by her words.

– Ladyzephyrssis, Amazon Review

I was hooked...

Creative. An allegory with a penetrating story line that lingers. So many quotes stick with you. It took just a little while to catch onto the storyline, but soon I was hooked and couldn’t put it down. An important theme of trust, healing, and acceptance of God’s gift of grace.

-Melissa, Good Reads Review

Read it

First of all, I couldn’t put it down. Countless times I told myself, “Okay, okay….just ONE more chapter…” Haha. Long after finishing the book, I have frequently been reminded of its truths which were told in such a powerful way. The symbolism is not lost on the reader and speaks to the heart and soul. I found the characters and situations in the book very relatable because it really is “based on a true story” – my own,
our own.

– Melody Whitman, Amazon Review

An Escape Into True Reality

As I entered the Kingdom of Struggle, I cried. Many times. Although the story seemed from a time and place far away, the truths penned in LIAR have divine power as Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 10:4. Power to transcend time, place, and imagination. Power to heal. I found myself in many of the characters. May this book be for others what it’s been for me: an escape into true reality.

– W.J. Broyles, Mother of Six!

The story you have been telling yourself...

When was the last time you read through a work’s character persona and identified that the author must in fact know you by name? When every minute detail of their story, from the woes of childhood to the gripping of white-hot anger as it seizes you amidst familial insults becomes the story you have been telling yourself. LIAR has become the bridge in identifying that no temptation has seized me that is not common to man. My story is not destined for seclusion in the aloneness of my own past. My story is not uncommon. Rather, LIAR wells up the courage to believe that one’s life is not allotted the title of cursed. Blessed can be and is our final designation. Let the King lead you towards redemption and into the great river.

– T. Black, M.A. Linguistics Student, Amazon Review

This book is a gem

Bernadette Botz has done a masterful job in her debut novel “Liar”. She has woven Biblical truths into a winsome story that is both stimulating and engaging. The casual reader will enjoy a story where good is pitted against evil. Those who have eyes to see what the Spirit is saying to the church will see a tale that begins in paradise, travels through the valley of the shadow of death, and ends in a blood-bought victory. As one who counsels women and youth who are struggling with the sorrows and suffering of everyday life, this book is a gem that I will use again and again. The dire consequences of sinful choices is not minimized while the persistent pursuit of the King’s-man to seek and save those who have been taken captive by the Father of lies is emphasized. Read this book and pass a copy along to those on your gift list. As you ruminate upon this treasure, deeper and deeper insights into eternal truths will be uncovered. I highly recommend this book and look forward to hearing more from this new author.

– Z. Ixthys, Biblical Counselor and Missionary, Amazon Review

A Beautiful Allegory

I have had the wonderful opportunity to review the manuscript. Liar is a beautiful allegory akin to CS Lewis, of hope lost and hope found. Courage for those who are discouraged and a poignant reminder of the value of diving deep into the waters of Truth. I look forward to utilizing it in my clinical practice. Bravo, Ms. Botz.

– V. Glassing, LCPC Agape Counseling

A story for everyone...

This book so helps the reader see where many of our thoughts are wrong thoughts brought to us by the chief of liars. It helps us to see that the truth comes to us when we spend time with Jesus (The Blessing) and let Him speak His truth into our lives and drown out the lies of the Liar. Our lives are lifted and blessed when we refuse to believe the Liar and instead believe The Blessing. I hope everyone reads this book and breaks free from the lies in their lives and learns to live in the truth. Very well done Bernadette Botz.

-D. Gannon, Amazon Review

Five Lasting Stars

Mrs. Botz debut book Liar is one which will stick with you long after you have read it. The message is clear and strong. The enemy is a liar and wants nothing more than for you to believe every word he whispers. If he can win you to his side he feels he is winning the battle. Will you let him or will you find the way to truth? Read Liar to help find answers to questions you may not have even known you had.
Liar is a great read-aloud story and will be one you won’t soon forget.
I give this book Five lasting stars.

-Roseangle, Amazon Review

A heart transformational book

Liar! is a MUST-READ! The deep truths that our Lord has for us are woven into each page allowing the reader to search out the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places discovering who we are in Him and who He is in us. Each page has His flow, conviction, and joy that is life-changing. As each discovers these areas for themselves, they are able to not only give Him His full inheritance through us but to also enjoy the inheritance He has given us. The Lamb receives the reward for His suffering. Bless yourself and others by reading this book.

– Darien B. Cooper author of Hinds’ Feet on High Places Devotional and
You Can Be the Wife of a Happy Husband. Amazon Review

A Future Classic

I could not immediately absorb all the messages of truth that the pages of this book well illustrated. So, I will read it again to pick up what I missed the first time through. It will be a pleasure because this story was very captivating.
Even after years in the battle against the enemy’s lies, this book helped me appreciate the degree of deception that he uses in an attempt to keep us in bondage. All of us are targets of this Liar.
Inspire yourself in battle by reading this book!

-Remtioglas, Amazon Review

I didn't get it at first

All my friends were talking about your book. I’m not a great reader, and I was really sad when I couldn’t catch onto the story. I’m thankful I hung in there with it because now it’s my favorite. I’ve read it five times, and I don’t like to read! I needed this book. I want to get a tattoo on my chest of the Lion’s scars.

Anonymous Teen

A Must Read

I loved this book! I was captivated by the characters and Bernadette’s style of writing. I couldn’t put it down and the message stayed with me long after I was done with the book.
I plan on reading it again!

– Debbie Taylor, Amazon Review

Captivating and Relatable

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Liar. From the first few pages, I was willingly trapped in the story Bernadette told. So many situations were relatable, and I read the entirety of her book in one sitting!

– James Bowling, Amazon Review


Well written and a wonderful allegory.

– Anna N, Amazon Review

I almost gave up

This book started slow, and I almost gave up, no offense. It’s a good thing I didn’t. It’s the best book of the year, and I read a lot. It helped me know that I should pay attention to the bad voices in my head. They’re not from me.
They’re not from God. I feel like I have hope again.

Male highschool student. -Text Message Review

Trying harder doesn't work

Have you discovered yet that ‘trying harder’ to solve the really difficult issues in your life doesn’t work? Likewise, that the beliefs you have about yourself are often poisonous? How do you fix the deep issues in your life and take in what is really true? Experiences!!! The fight and fire of love have birthed this book so that you can have such an experience. From the struggle in these pages – which attunes your ear to your own heart, you will experience the path to living in victory!”

– J.Eddleman – Board Member, Growthskills

I love this book

I love this book. It is without a doubt the first book for an upcoming author. I have known Mrs. Botz for many years, and she is what she writes about. There is no fake front or appearance with her. I love her book, and I love her and am looking forward to her next book. Thank you so much Bernadette!!!!! With lots of love, – –

– Garret Pedersen, Teen – Amazon Review

The Mamas

From our readers…
“You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved.”

Read Cover to Cover Today

Couldn’t put this book down & read cover to cover today. The Mamas will touch all of us. Too many women feel like we’re the only ones who’ve at one point wished they had one single good friend, feel like we aren’t worthy of a good life, and often feel like the worst mothers and wives on the planet. Somehow, Ms. Botz released the greatest joys and rawest heartaches of womanhood from her life experiences. Outside of the talent required, this book took more courage to write than I can imagine. It’s real. It made me cry. It made me examine how I walk through life. Most of all, her inner dialogue and conversations, especially with “her” kids, is what I wish I’d had in my head when raising my own. I admire how she shows how important good men are also! I hope we ALL can be brave enough to strive to be a Mama type of friend! All this and more – in a few short stories!!!
Don’t put it off, read it…

Lady Zephyriss
Amazon Review

This book is phenomenal

So Good! This book is phenomenal,
and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Amazon Review

Every Mama Needs to Read This!

Every Mama needs to read this! What if we all had a small group of committed friends to raise our kids with…to pray over and cry through life’s most difficult times with? I love how these Mamas are not perfect…but constantly encouraging each other towards what is good and right and true! Drawing strength from one another and learning from each other. A beautiful heartfelt read!

P. Carrol
Amazon Review

This Is Us

The Mamas addresses something I’ve come across multiple times in my life… women who don’t want to make friends because they’ve been hurt in the past. Don’t we all know this leaves us lonesome and insecure when it comes to relationships. Thankfully, the author tackles this situation with humor, candor, and raw truth. Her book is filled with short stories about one woman’s life: The good, the bad and the ugly. It spans the decades, something like the tv show, This Is Us. Her relationships are intertwined as well. The author shows us what it’s like to be alone in Montana, how to step out of our comfort zones to initiate friendship, and how to keep one through the years – even during the difficult years. Whether or not you’re a mother, you’ll be able to relate to these stories. Some chapters are completely raw with humanity – not for the faint in heart! I hope lonesome women all around the globe will pick this book up and not put it down… then go out and be brave… be open to a new friendship.

M. Newman
Amazon Review

Get Ready For A Ride

Packed with stories and meaning! These stories are compelling, gritty, and helpful! I am so grateful that Bernadette’s friends urged her to write them — we get to read and treasure them. I’m also thankful that the stories are based on things The Mamas actually went through together. For me, that doubles the meaningfulness of the stories.
Bernadette’s writing is vivid. So get ready for a ride! You will be carried along and encouraged!

Amazon Review

A Beautiful Heartfelt Read

You are not alone! What if we all had a small group of committed friends to raise our kids with…to pray over and cry through life’s most difficult times with? I love how these Mamas are not perfect…but constantly encouraging each other towards what is good and right and true! Drawing strength from one another and learning from each other. A beautiful heartfelt read!

J. Bushnell
Amazon Review

Laughing and Crying

Laughing and Crying! In the book The Mamas, Bernadette boldly exposes our flawed humanness. Her stories had me laughing and crying as well as many other tender emotions. She characterizes deep friendship as coming through vulnerability, acceptance, and forgiveness. These traits develop through individually seeking Christ and then coming together through prayer and doing life together. I highly recommend this book whether you are a “mama” or not.

Kathy W.
Amazon Review

Must Read

AMAZING!!! UPLIFTING made me cry must read!!! must read!! You need to get it!

Josh Vargus
Amazon Review

Well written and well worth the read for Mamas and non-Mamas alike

Extremely encouraging…and I’m NOT even a mama! This book made me laugh, cry, and everything in between, but most importantly it made me long for deep and meaningful relationships, not just with fellow women but with God who gives us the gift of friendship in Himself!! I love the intimate stories that invite me into the scene and make me feel like one of the Mamas 🙂 well written and well worth the read for Mamas and non-Mamas alike!!

Frugal Mama
Amazon Review

Couldn't Put It Down

Couldn’t Put It Down! This book quickly captured my attention and I couldn’t put it down! I laughed, cried, felt encouraged, and challenged to seek after the Lord in all areas of my life. The Mamas each felt so relatable, each for different reasons. There’s encouragement and wisdom for you in this book no matter what life stage you are in! This is my new go-to gift!

Amazon Review


A-Mama-Mazing! We have all experienced the love of a mama – whether it be your own mother, what you see in your spouse as they raise your children, or someone who played a motherly role to you. We don’t all need to be Mamas ourselves to know this this is a powerful read that is beneficial for all walks of life and how we can be, and be there for, the mamas we know and love.

-Amazon Review

Makes you happy reading it

Such a great, heart-warming book! I couldn’t put it down! Such a great book that makes you happy reading it!

Laurie Gucionne
Amazon Review

I'll go so far as to call this book a life-changer

This book surprised me. I expected a light-hearted collection of stories from mamas’ lives, which would have been great, I thought. But no. Here Ms Botz writes soul-level essays about motherhood, friendships, so-called Christian women, and their life experiences – that will make you laugh out loud, cry, and most importantly, expose you to genuine friendships and what they look like. The level of detail made me wonder: could these stories could possibly be true? I’ll go so far as call this book a life-changer. I haven’t started my workbook yet, but I’m looking forward to it

GoodReads Review

Stories tug at your heart.

A beautifully written book about the lives of women who dare to be authentic with each other. From the first page to the last the stories within tug at your heart. I was drawn into the lives of these mamas, they made me cry and laugh. What a wonderful demonstration of how God created friendship to be.

Amy J.
Amazon Review

New Gratitude

The Mamas had me laughing out loud, crying, and mouth agape in amazement as I read through the chapters. I came out on the other end much more grateful for my own mother and the challenges my brother and I put her through. I can’t wait to see my own wife grow into motherhood like so many mamas before her!

Tyler Black
Good Reads Review

Post Abortive Women... You'll Be Safe Here

Reading The Mamas felt like coming home to my own heart. Ms. Botz somehow managed to see me without knowing me. I highly, highly recommend this to post-abortive women. You’ll be safe here. 

Amazon Review